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JSON Mutation Format

Mutations can also be specified using JSON objects. This can allow mutations to be expressed in a more natural way. It also eliminates the need for apps to have custom serialization code, since most languages already have a JSON marshaling library.

When Dgraph receives a mutation as a JSON object, it first converts it into an internal edge format that is then processed into Dgraph.

JSON -> Edges -> Posting list
RDF -> Edges -> Posting list

Each JSON object represents a single node in the graph.

Note JSON mutations are available via gRPC clients such as the Go client, JavaScript client, and Java client, and are available to HTTP clients with dgraph-js-http and cURL. See more about cURL here

Setting literal values

When setting new values, the set_json field in the Mutation message should contain a JSON object.

Literal values can be set by adding a key/value to the JSON object. The key represents the predicate, and the value represents the object.

For example:

  "name": "diggy",
  "food": "pizza",
  "dgraph.type": "Mascot"

Will be converted into the RDFs:

_:blank-0 <name> "diggy" .
_:blank-0 <food> "pizza" .
_:blank-0 <dgraph.type> "Mascot" .

The result of the mutation would also contain a map, which would have the uid assigned corresponding to the key blank-0. You could specify your own key like

  "uid": "_:diggy",
  "name": "diggy",
  "food": "pizza",
  "dgraph.type": "Mascot"

In this case, the assigned UIDs map would have a key called diggy with the value being the uid assigned to it.

Forbidden values

Note When using JSON mutations, the following string values are not accepted: uid( ), val( )

For example, the following JSON can’t be processed by Dgraph:

  "uid": "uid(t)",
  "user_name": "uid(s ia)",
  "name": "val (s kl)",

Language support

An important difference between RDF and JSON mutations is in regards to specifying a string value’s language. In JSON, the language tag is appended to the edge name, not the value like in RDF.

For example, the JSON mutation

  "food": "taco",
  "rating@en": "tastes good",
  "rating@es": "sabe bien",
  "rating@fr": "c'est bon",
  "rating@it": "è buono",
  "dgraph.type": "Food"

is equivalent to the following RDF:

_:blank-0 <food> "taco" .
_:blank-0 <dgraph.type> "Food" .
_:blank-0 <rating> "tastes good"@en .
_:blank-0 <rating> "sabe bien"@es .
_:blank-0 <rating> "c'est bon"@fr .
_:blank-0 <rating> "è buono"@it .

Geolocation support

Support for geolocation data is available in JSON. Geo-location data is entered as a JSON object with keys “type” and “coordinates”. Keep in mind we only support indexing on the Point, Polygon, and MultiPolygon types, but we can store other types of geolocation data. Below is an example:

  "food": "taco",
  "location": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [1.0, 2.0]

Referencing existing nodes

If a JSON object contains a field named "uid", then that field is interpreted as the UID of an existing node in the graph. This mechanism allows you to reference existing nodes.

For example:

  "uid": "0x467ba0",
  "food": "taco",
  "rating": "tastes good",
  "dgraph.type": "Food"

Will be converted into the RDFs:

<0x467ba0> <food> "taco" .
<0x467ba0> <rating> "tastes good" .
<0x467ba0> <dgraph.type> "Food" .

Edges between nodes

Edges between nodes are represented in a similar way to literal values, except that the object is a JSON object.

For example:

  "name": "Alice",
  "friend": {
    "name": "Betty"

Will be converted into the RDFs:

_:blank-0 <name> "Alice" .
_:blank-0 <friend> _:blank-1 .
_:blank-1 <name> "Betty" .

The result of the mutation would contain the UIDs assigned to blank-0 and blank-1 nodes. If you wanted to return these UIDs under a different key, you could specify the uid field as a blank node.

  "uid": "_:alice",
  "name": "Alice",
  "friend": {
    "uid": "_:bob",
    "name": "Betty"

Will be converted to:

_:alice <name> "Alice" .
_:alice <friend> _:bob .
_:bob <name> "Betty" .

Existing nodes can be referenced in the same way as when adding literal values. E.g. to link two existing nodes:

  "uid": "0x123",
  "link": {
    "uid": "0x456"

Will be converted to:

<0x123> <link> <0x456> .
Note A common mistake is to attempt to use {"uid":"0x123","link":"0x456"}. This will result in an error. Dgraph interprets this JSON object as setting the link predicate to the string"0x456", which is usually not intended.

Deleting literal values

Deletion mutations can also be sent in JSON format. To send a delete mutation, use the delete_json field instead of the set_json field in the Mutation message.

Note Check the JSON Syntax using Raw HTTP or Ratel UI section if you’re using the dgraph-js-http client or Ratel UI.

When using delete mutations, an existing node always has to be referenced. So the "uid" field for each JSON object must be present. Predicates that should be deleted should be set to the JSON value null.

For example, to remove a food rating:

  "uid": "0x467ba0",
  "rating": null

Deleting edges

Deleting a single edge requires the same JSON object that would create that edge. E.g. to delete the predicate link from "0x123" to "0x456":

  "uid": "0x123",
  "link": {
    "uid": "0x456"

All edges for a predicate emanating from a single node can be deleted at once (corresponding to deleting S P *):

  "uid": "0x123",
  "link": null

If no predicates are specified, then all of the node’s known outbound edges (to other nodes and to literal values) are deleted (corresponding to deleting S * *). The predicates to delete are derived using the type system. Refer to the RDF format documentation and the section on the type system for more information:

  "uid": "0x123"


Facets can be created by using the | character to separate the predicate and facet key in a JSON object field name. This is the same encoding schema used to show facets in query results. E.g.

  "name": "Carol",
  "name|initial": "C",
  "dgraph.type": "Person",
  "friend": {
    "name": "Daryl",
    "friend|close": "yes",
    "dgraph.type": "Person"

Produces the following RDFs:

_:blank-0 <name> "Carol" (initial="C") .
_:blank-0 <dgraph.type> "Person" .
_:blank-0 <friend> _:blank-1 (close="yes") .
_:blank-1 <name> "Daryl" .
_:blank-1 <dgraph.type> "Person" .

Facets do not contain type information but Dgraph will try to guess a type from the input. If the value of a facet can be parsed to a number, it will be converted to either a float or an int. If it can be parsed as a Boolean, it will be stored as a Boolean. If the value is a string, it will be stored as a datetime if the string matches one of the time formats that Dgraph recognizes (YYYY, MM-YYYY, DD-MM-YYYY, RFC339, etc.) and as a double-quoted string otherwise. If you do not want to risk the chance of your facet data being misinterpreted as a time value, it is best to store numeric data as either an int or a float.

Deleting Facets

The easiest way to delete a Facet is overwriting it. When you create a new mutation for the same entity without a facet, the existing facet will be deleted automatically.


<0x1> <name> "Carol" .
<0x1> <friend> <0x2> .

Another way to do this is by using the Upsert Block.

In this query below, we are deleting Facet in the Name and Friend predicates. To overwrite we need to collect the values ​​of the edges on which we are performing this operation and use the function “val(var)” to complete the overwriting.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/rdf" -X POST localhost:8080/mutate?commitNow=true -d $'
upsert {
  query {
    user as var(func: eq(name, "Carol")){
      Name as name
      Friends as friend

  mutation {
    set {
      uid(user) <name> val(Name) .
      uid(user) <friend> uid(Friends) .
}' | jq

Creating a list with JSON and interacting with it


testList: [string] .
  "testList": [

Let’s then remove “Apple” from this list (Remember, it’s case sensitive):

  q(func: has(testList)) {
  "delete": {
    "uid": "0x6", #UID of the list.
    "testList": "Apple"

Also you can delete multiple values

  "delete": {
    "uid": "0x6",
    "testList": [
Note Check the JSON Syntax using Raw HTTP or Ratel UI section if you’re using the dgraph-js-http client or Ratel UI.

Add another fruit:

   "uid": "0x6", #UID of the list.
   "testList": "Pineapple"

Facets in List-type with JSON


<name>: string @index(exact).
<nickname>: [string] .

To create a List-type predicate you need to specify all value in a single list. Facets for all predicate values should be specified together. It is done in map format with index of predicate values inside list being map key and their respective facets value as map values. Predicate values which does not have facets values will be missing from facets map. E.g.

  "set": [
      "uid": "_:Julian",
      "name": "Julian",
      "nickname": ["Jay-Jay", "Jules", "JB"],
      "nickname|kind": {
        "0": "first",
        "1": "official",
        "2": "CS-GO"

Above you see that we have three values ​​to enter the list with their respective facets. You can run this query to check the list with facets:

   q(func: eq(name,"Julian")) {
    nickname @facets

Later, if you want to add more values ​​with facets, just do the same procedure, but this time instead of using Blank-node you must use the actual node’s UID.

  "set": [
      "uid": "0x3",
      "nickname|kind": "Internet",
      "nickname": "@JJ"

And the final result is:

  "data": {
    "q": [
        "uid": "0x3",
        "nickname|kind": {
          "0": "first",
          "1": "Internet",
          "2": "official",
          "3": "CS-GO"
        "nickname": [

Specifying multiple operations

When specifying add or delete mutations, multiple nodes can be specified at the same time using JSON arrays.

For example, the following JSON object can be used to add two new nodes, each with a name:

    "name": "Edward"
    "name": "Fredric"

JSON Syntax using Raw HTTP or Ratel UI

This syntax can be used in the most current version of Ratel, in the dgraph-js-http client or even via cURL.

You can also download the Ratel UI.


  "set": [
      # One JSON obj in here
      # Another JSON obj in here for multiple operations


Deletion operations are the same as Deleting literal values and Deleting edges.

  "delete": [
      # One JSON obj in here
      # Another JSON obj in here for multiple operations

Using JSON operations via cURL

First you have to configure the HTTP header to specify content-type.

-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Note In order to use jq for JSON formatting you need the jq package. See the jq downloads page for installation details. You can also use Python’s built in json.tool module with python -m json.tool to do JSON formatting.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8080/mutate?commitNow=true -d $'
      "set": [
          "name": "Alice"
          "name": "Bob"
    }' | jq

To delete:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8080/mutate?commitNow=true -d $'
      "delete": [
          "uid": "0xa"
    }' | jq

Mutation with a JSON file:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8080/mutate?commitNow=true -d @data.json

where the contents of data.json looks like the following:

  "set": [
      "name": "Alice"
      "name": "Bob"

The JSON file must follow the same format for mutations over HTTP: a single JSON object with the "set" or "delete" key and an array of JSON objects for the mutation. If you already have a file with an array of data, you can use jq to transform your data to the proper format. For example, if your data.json file looks like this:

    "name": "Alice"
    "name": "Bob"

then you can transform your data to the proper format with the following jq command, where the . in the jq string represents the contents of data.json:

cat data.json | jq '{set: .}'
  "set": [
      "name": "Alice"
      "name": "Bob"