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External IDs and Upsert Block

The upsert block makes managing external IDs easy.

Set the schema.

xid: string @index(exact) .
<>: string @index(exact) .
<>: [uid] @reverse .

Set the type first of all.

  set {
    _:blank <xid> "" .
    _:blank <dgraph.type> "ExternalType" .

Now you can create a new person and attach its type using the upsert block.

   upsert {
      query {
        var(func: eq(xid, "")) {
          Type as uid
        var(func: eq(<>, "Robin Wright")) {
          Person as uid
      mutation {
          set {
           uid(Person) <xid> "" .
           uid(Person) <> uid(Type) .
           uid(Person) <> "Robin Wright" .
           uid(Person) <dgraph.type> "Person" .

You can also delete a person and detach the relation between Type and Person Node. It’s the same as above, but you use the keyword “delete” instead of “set”. “” will remain but “Robin Wright” will be deleted.

   upsert {
      query {
        var(func: eq(xid, "")) {
          Type as uid
        var(func: eq(<>, "Robin Wright")) {
          Person as uid
      mutation {
          delete {
           uid(Person) <xid> "" .
           uid(Person) <> uid(Type) .
           uid(Person) <> "Robin Wright" .
           uid(Person) <dgraph.type> "Person" .

Query by user.

  q(func: eq(<>, "Robin Wright")) {
    <> {