Let's Take a Tour of Dgraph

An interactive tutorial with real queries and real results, designed to run on Chrome on your machine.

Which Language Suits You?


Dgraph's Generated API


Dgraph's Query Language


GraphQL Introduction

9 min.

In this module you'll learn how to set up and run Dgraph Cloud for the GraphQL portion of this tour, and learn about graph databases.


GraphQL Basic Features

22 min.

Here you'll learn the basics of how to query graph data from Dgraph using GraphQL, and how to use and interpret the results.


GraphQL Schema

11 min.

This module shows you how GraphQL schemas work inside Dgraph; and how to add, update, and delete data.


GraphQL Search

7 min.

In this module, you'll learn about Dgraph's search features with GraphQL.


GraphQL Data and More Data

6 min.

Now that you have some experience with Dgraph and GraphQL, this module shows you how to work with some larger datasets.


DQL Introduction

9 min.

In this module you'll learn how to set up and run Dgraph with Docker for the DQL portion of this tour, and also learn about graph databases.


DQL Basic Features

18 min.

Here you'll learn the basics of how to query graph data from Dgraph and how to use and interpret the results.


DQL Schema

13 min.

This module shows you how schemas work inside Dgraph; and how to add, update, and delete data.


DQL Data and More Data

8 min.

Now that you have some experience with Dgraph and DQL, this module shows you how to use the Live Loader tool to load large datasets. You'll need this bigger dataset for the remaining sections of the tutorial.


DQL Query Blocks and Variables

12 min.

This module shows you how to build more powerful queries with multiple query blocks and query variables.


DQL Search

14 min.

In this module, you'll learn about Dgraph's search features with DQL.
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