GraphQL Interface Types: What You Need to Know

GraphQL interfaces are a powerful feature that allows developers to define a common set of fields that multiple object types can implement. This guide will break down the definitions and concepts related to GraphQL interface types, providing a comprehensive understanding for beginners.

What is a GraphQL Interface?

A GraphQL interface is an abstract type that defines a common set of fields that any number of object types can implement. It acts as a blueprint, specifying a contract that implementing types must follow. Interfaces are useful when multiple types share some common fields and behavior. For instance, if several types have fields like id and name, these can be defined in an interface. When an object type uses an interface, it’s called an implementing object type. This means the object type must include all the fields defined in the interface, ensuring consistency across different types.

In a GraphQL schema, an interface is defined using the interface keyword, followed by the name of the interface and the fields it includes. For example:

interface User {

 id: ID!

 name: String!


Once an interface is defined, it can be implemented by other types in the schema. For instance:

type Admin implements User {

 id: ID!

 name: String!

 role: String!


A field that returns an interface can return any object type that implements that interface, providing flexibility in the types of data that can be returned. The __resolveType function is crucial for determining which implementing object type is being returned, essential for resolving the correct type at runtime.

How to Define GraphQL Interface Types

Using the interface Keyword

Defining GraphQL interface types begins with the interface keyword in the GraphQL schema definition language (SDL). This keyword signals that you are creating an abstract type that will be implemented by other object types. The interface itself does not hold data but specifies a contract that implementing types must follow.

Example of Defining an Interface

Let’s look at a simple example to understand this better:

interface Vehicle {

 id: ID!

 make: String!

 model: String!


In this example, the Vehicle interface includes three fields: id, make, and model. These fields are required for any type that implements the Vehicle interface, promoting consistency and reusability.

Syntax and Structure of Interface Definitions

The syntax for defining an interface is straightforward. You start with the interface keyword, followed by the name of the interface and a set of fields enclosed in curly braces. Each field includes a name, a type, and an optional description. Fields can be of any type, including scalars, enums, and other object types. Here’s a more detailed example:

interface Character {

 id: ID!

 name: String!

 appearsIn: [Episode!]!


In this case, the Character interface includes an id of type ID!, a name of type String!, and an appearsIn field, which is a non-nullable list of Episode objects. This structure ensures that all implementing types will have these fields, providing a consistent API for clients to query.

How to Implement GraphQL Interface Types

Using the implements Keyword

To implement a GraphQL interface, you use the implements keyword. This keyword indicates that an object type adheres to the contract specified by the interface. By implementing an interface, the object type commits to including all the fields defined in the interface, ensuring consistency across multiple types.

Example of Implementing an Interface

Consider the Character interface we defined earlier. Let’s see how we can implement this interface in an object type:

type Human implements Character {

 id: ID!

 name: String!

 appearsIn: [Episode!]!

 homePlanet: String


In this example, the Human type implements the Character interface. It includes all the fields required by the interface (id, name, and appearsIn) and adds an additional field, homePlanet. This demonstrates how you can extend an interface with additional fields specific to the implementing type while still adhering to the interface’s contract.

Ensuring All Fields Are Included

When an object type implements an interface, it must include all the fields defined by the interface with the exact same names and types. This requirement ensures that any query against the interface fields will work seamlessly across all implementing types. If an implementing type omits any of the required fields or changes their types, it will result in a schema validation error.

For example, if we have another type Droid that also implements the Character interface, it must include all the interface fields:

type Droid implements Character {

 id: ID!

 name: String!

 appearsIn: [Episode!]!

 primaryFunction: String


Here, the Droid type includes the id, name, and appearsIn fields defined by the Character interface and adds a primaryFunction field unique to Droid.

Best Practices for Implementing Interfaces

  • Consistency: Ensure that all implementing types include the required fields defined by the interface with the exact same names and types. This consistency is crucial for maintaining a reliable and predictable schema.

  • Extensibility: While implementing interfaces, feel free to add additional fields specific to the implementing type. This allows you to extend the basic contract provided by the interface with type-specific details without breaking the interface’s contract.

  • Clear Naming Conventions: Use clear and descriptive names for both your interfaces and the fields within them. This practice makes your schema more readable and easier to understand for anyone consuming your API.

  • Documentation: Document your interfaces and implementing types thoroughly. This helps other developers understand the purpose of each interface and how to properly implement it in new types.

  • Testing: Regularly test your schema to ensure that all implementing types adhere to the interface contracts. Automated schema validation tools can help catch any inconsistencies or errors early in the development process.

By following these best practices, you can effectively implement GraphQL interfaces in your schema, ensuring consistency, extensibility, and maintainability. This approach not only makes your API more robust but also simplifies the process of adding new types and features in the future.

How to Query GraphQL Interface Types

Selecting Fields Defined by the Interface

When querying a GraphQL interface, you can select any of the fields that the interface defines. This capability allows you to retrieve data from multiple implementing types without needing to know their specific details. For instance, if you have a Character interface, you can query its fields directly:

query {

 characters {






In this query, the characters field returns a list of Character objects, which could be instances of Human, Droid, or any other type implementing the Character interface. The server ensures that all returned objects include the id, name, and appearsIn fields.

Using Inline Fragments

Inline fragments are a powerful feature in GraphQL that allow you to conditionally include fields based on the object’s type. This is particularly useful when querying interface types, as it enables you to access fields specific to the implementing types without needing separate queries for each type. Here’s an example:

query {

 characters {




  ... on Human {



  ... on Droid {





In this query, the inline fragments ... on Human and ... on Droid allow you to fetch the homePlanet and primaryFunction fields, respectively. This approach not only simplifies your queries but also makes them more efficient by reducing the number of separate queries needed to fetch related data.

By leveraging inline fragments, you can design more flexible and dynamic queries that adapt to the specific types of the objects returned. This capability is a key advantage of using GraphQL interfaces, as it allows you to build powerful and versatile APIs that can handle a wide range of use cases.

How to Resolve GraphQL Interface Types

Importance of the __resolveType Function

The __resolveType function plays a crucial role in GraphQL by determining the actual type of an object that implements an interface. This function ensures that the server returns the correct type and corresponding fields for each object in a query. Without __resolveType, the server would be unable to differentiate between various implementing types, leading to incomplete or incorrect data responses.

Example of a __resolveType Function

To illustrate, consider a schema where Character is an interface implemented by Human and Droid types. The __resolveType function for this interface might look like this:

const resolvers = {

 Character: {

  __resolveType(obj, context, info) {

   if (obj.primaryFunction) {

    return 'Droid';


   if (obj.homePlanet) {

    return 'Human';


   return null;




In this function, the resolver checks the properties of each object to determine its specific type. If the object has a primaryFunction property, it identifies the object as a Droid. Conversely, if the object has a homePlanet property, it identifies it as a Human.

How the Resolver Function Works in Practice

When a query requests data that involves an interface, the server invokes the __resolveType function to determine the actual type of each object. For example, consider the following query:

query {

 characters {




  ... on Human {



  ... on Droid {





As the server processes this query, it retrieves a list of Character objects. For each object, the __resolveType function is called to ascertain its type. If the object is a Droid, the server includes the primaryFunction field in the response. If it is a Human, the server includes the homePlanet field. This dynamic type resolution allows the server to return the appropriate fields based on the actual type of each object.

How to Use GraphQL Interfaces for Polymorphic Queries

Explanation of Polymorphic Queries and Their Advantages

Polymorphic queries are powerful tools in GraphQL that allow you to retrieve data from multiple types through a single query. By leveraging interfaces, you can query different types that share common fields, thus simplifying your querying logic. This approach is particularly advantageous when dealing with complex schemas where multiple types exhibit similar behaviors or characteristics. Polymorphic queries help in reducing the amount of client-side logic needed to handle different types, making your application more efficient and easier to maintain.

Example of a Polymorphic Query Using an Interface Type

Consider an interface Character that is implemented by both Human and Droid types. Here’s how you can define this interface and its implementing types:

interface Character {

 id: ID!

 name: String!

 appearsIn: [Episode!]!


type Human implements Character {

 id: ID!

 name: String!

 appearsIn: [Episode!]!

 homePlanet: String


type Droid implements Character {

 id: ID!

 name: String!

 appearsIn: [Episode!]!

 primaryFunction: String


To perform a polymorphic query, you can use the following query structure:

query {

 characters {




  ... on Human {



  ... on Droid {





This query retrieves characters and includes fields specific to Human and Droid types, demonstrating how polymorphic queries can seamlessly integrate data from different types.

How Interfaces Enable Querying Multiple Types with a Single Query

Interfaces in GraphQL enable you to query multiple types with a single query by defining a common set of fields that different types must implement. This abstraction allows you to treat various types as instances of the same interface, simplifying your query logic. For instance, when querying the Character interface, you can retrieve data from both Human and Droid types without needing to know their specific implementations. This flexibility is especially useful in applications where the data model evolves over time, as it allows you to add new types without altering existing queries.

What are Common Use Cases for GraphQL Interfaces?

GraphQL interfaces shine when defining common fields for related types within a schema. By specifying shared fields in an interface, you ensure consistency across different object types. For example, consider an Item interface used in an e-commerce application:

interface Item {

 id: ID!

 name: String!

 price: Float!


type Book implements Item {

 id: ID!

 name: String!

 price: Float!

 author: String!


type Electronic implements Item {

 id: ID!

 name: String!

 price: Float!

 warrantyPeriod: Int!


In this example, the Item interface defines common fields such as id, name, and price, which are implemented by both Book and Electronic types. This setup ensures that any type implementing the Item interface will have these fields, maintaining a consistent schema structure.

Enabling Flexible and Dynamic Queries Across Multiple Types

Interfaces enable flexible and dynamic queries by allowing you to query multiple types through a single interface. This flexibility is particularly advantageous in applications that need to handle diverse data types with shared characteristics. For instance, a query to fetch items from an inventory can dynamically adapt to include various types implementing the Item interface:

query {

 items {




  ... on Book {



  ... on Electronic {





This query retrieves common fields from the Item interface and dynamically includes type-specific fields based on the actual type of each item. This approach simplifies the query logic and enhances the adaptability of your application.

Structuring Complex Schemas with Shared Behavior Among Types

GraphQL interfaces are instrumental in structuring complex schemas by encapsulating shared behaviors among types. This structuring allows you to create a more organized and maintainable schema. For example, an application managing different types of media content might use a Media interface:

interface Media {

 id: ID!

 title: String!

 duration: Int!


type Movie implements Media {

 id: ID!

 title: String!

 duration: Int!

 director: String!


type Song implements Media {

 id: ID!

 title: String!

 duration: Int!

 artist: String!


The Media interface groups common fields like id, title, and duration, while Movie and Song types add their unique fields. This approach not only promotes code reuse but also simplifies the schema, making it easier to understand and extend.

How to Handle Advanced Schema Design with GraphQL Interfaces

Using Interfaces to Define Complex Relationships Among Types

In advanced schema design, GraphQL interfaces are invaluable for defining complex relationships among types. By leveraging interfaces, you can create a hierarchy of types that share common fields while maintaining their unique attributes. This approach is particularly useful in applications that require intricate data models, such as content management systems or social networks.

For instance, consider a scenario where you need to manage various types of content, including articles, videos, and podcasts. You can define a Content interface to encapsulate shared fields and then create specific types for each content type:

interface Content {

 id: ID!

 title: String!

 createdAt: DateTime!


type Article implements Content {

 id: ID!

 title: String!

 createdAt: DateTime!

 body: String!


type Video implements Content {

 id: ID!

 title: String!

 createdAt: DateTime!

 duration: Int!

 url: String!


type Podcast implements Content {

 id: ID!

 title: String!

 createdAt: DateTime!

 duration: Int!

 audioUrl: String!


This structure allows you to query common fields across different content types while accessing type-specific fields as needed.

Example of Advanced Schema Design with Nested Interfaces

Nested interfaces take schema design to the next level by allowing interfaces to implement other interfaces. This approach is useful for creating a hierarchy of interfaces, each adding more specific fields. For example, you might have a Content interface that is further specialized into MediaContent and TextContent interfaces:

interface Content {

 id: ID!

 title: String!

 createdAt: DateTime!


interface MediaContent implements Content {

 duration: Int!


interface TextContent implements Content {

 body: String!


type Article implements TextContent {

 id: ID!

 title: String!

 createdAt: DateTime!

 body: String!


type Video implements MediaContent {

 id: ID!

 title: String!

 createdAt: DateTime!

 duration: Int!

 url: String!


type Podcast implements MediaContent {

 id: ID!

 title: String!

 createdAt: DateTime!

 duration: Int!

 audioUrl: String!


In this schema, MediaContent and TextContent interfaces inherit common fields from Content while adding their specific fields. This nested structure provides a clear and organized way to manage complex data relationships.

Tips for Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Schema Design

  • Avoid Over-Engineering: Resist the temptation to over-engineer your schema with excessive interfaces and types. Keep your design simple and add complexity only when necessary.

  • Ensure Consistency: Maintain consistency in field names and types across interfaces and implementing types. Inconsistent naming can lead to confusion and errors.

  • Plan for Evolution: Design your schema with future evolution in mind. Interfaces provide a layer of abstraction that allows you to add new types and fields without breaking existing queries.

  • Test Extensively: Thoroughly test your schema, especially when using advanced features like nested interfaces. Ensure that queries and mutations behave as expected and handle edge cases gracefully.

By following these best practices and tips, you can design advanced, scalable, and maintainable GraphQL schemas that leverage the full power of interfaces.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your GraphQL API with Interfaces

Mastering GraphQL interfaces is crucial for building robust, flexible, and scalable APIs. By understanding how to define, implement, and query interfaces, you can create a more organized and maintainable schema that simplifies your development process. Leveraging Dgraph’s native GraphQL API can further enhance your ability to manage complex data relationships efficiently.

Explore how Dgraph can streamline your GraphQL implementation and provide a seamless development experience. Visit to learn more and get started today.