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The @dgraph directive customizes the name of the types and predicates generated in Dgraph when deploying a GraphQL Schema.

  • type <type> @dgraph(type: "TypeNameToUseInDgraph") controls what Dgraph type is used for a GraphQL type.
  • field: SomeType @dgraph(pred: "DgraphPredicate") controls what Dgraph predicate is mapped to a GraphQL field.

For example, if you have existing types that don’t match GraphQL requirements, you can create a schema like the following.

type Person @dgraph(type: "Human-Person") {
    name: String @search(by: [hash]) @dgraph(pred: "name")
    age: Int

type Movie @dgraph(type: "film") {
    name: String @search(by: [term]) @dgraph(pred: "")

Which maps to the Dgraph schema:

type Human-Person {

type film {

name string @index(hash) .
Person.age: int . string @index(term) .

You might also have the situation where you have used name for both movie names and people’s names. In this case you can map fields in two different GraphQL types to the one Dgraph predicate.

type Person {
    name: String @dgraph(pred: "name")

type Movie {
    name: String @dgraph(pred: "name")
Note In Dgraph’s current GraphQL implementation, if two fields are mapped to the same Dgraph predicate, both should have the same @search directive.